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LCP Knowledge Ecosystem

In addition to our members of staff, visiting academics and PhD researchers, the engagement with practice is crucial for the development of our knowledge ecosystem. We've therefore launched two strategic initiatives to complement our academic members with professionals from the public, private and third sector who share our passion to improve our understanding and capability in project management with the aim to advance theory and practice.

LCP Friends

Appointed by invitation only, the LCP Friends are a small group of senior project professionals who act as critical friends and ambassadors for the LCP. They support us in developing our strategy, shaping our events and growing our knowledge ecosystem.

Project Professionals in Residence

The LCP Project Professionals in Residence (PPiR) are a diverse group of project professionals from recent graduates and alumni to senior professionals, who are appointed for three years. PPiRs engage with the LCP on a regular basis, sharing their expertise with our students, and participating in academic and networking related activities that enhance industry-university collaboration and grow the LCP knowledge ecosystem.

Since the launch of the initiatives , LCP Friends and PPiRs, have volunteered their time and expertise:

  • informing the development of the Sustainable Project Performance Index (SPPI)TM through participating in focus groups and the survey,
  • mentoring MSc and PhD students,
  • participating in Research Cafes to provide a practitioner perspective on cutting-edge research topics, and
  • providing input into the development needs of the project profession to inform future LCP continuous professional development (CPD) and skills development offers.

We would like to thank our Friends and PPiRs for their contribution to the LCP and look forward to continuing our constructive and fruitful relationship together.