Dr Christine Unterhitzenberger provides the academic perspective at the Major Projects Association 2023 Annual Conference
Our Director Dr Christine Unterhitzenberger was invited to share the academic perspective on this year's theme of the Major Projects Association's Annual Conference. The conference set out to explore outcomes under the theme of In Pursuit of Outcomes: Foolhardy or Flippin' Hard? The concept of outcomes is not new and it is present in many handbooks and standards, however in practice it proofs difficult to achieve outcomes of projects. The conference provided the opportunity to explores outcomes from different angles including sponsor, contractor and life cycle approaches.
Christine argued that a pursuit of outcomes is insufficient overall and that we need to be in pursuit of value in order to overcome the imbalance of positive and negative outcomes. The highlights report from the conference with a summary of Christine's talk can be found here.
The conference was attended by over 100 delegates from the private and public sector involved in the delivery of major projects. It is a fantastic opportunity for knowledge exchange, networking and professional development.